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On the week beginning 22nd February, staff and children of KPA are going to be travelling a combined distance of 5500km (the equivalent of travelling to New York City) to raise money for our local community.

We will be helping the amazing Kingswood Neighbourhood Centre in funding a Youth Club to support local children after lockdown.

What are we raising money for?

At Kingswood Primary Academy, we are immensely proud to serve the community that we do. There is a unique sense of togetherness on the Kingswood estate, one where everyone pulls together to support each other in the best way that they can. Alongside the Kingswood Neighbourhood Centre, we have tried our best to provide food aid, winter coats, Christmas presents as well as general moral support to our community throughout the pandemic. Kingswood Neighbourhood centre are continuing this amazing work by providing free daily lunches to local children, regular food parcels, support in claiming money from the 'COVID Winter Grant Scheme' as well as much more.

Lockdown restrictions have affected so many people, in a range of different ways. With school closures many children have missed out on essential social interaction. After long discussions with the Kingwood Neighbourhood Centre we decided to raise money to help support them in reopening a 'Youth Club' when it is safe to do so. Youth Clubs are a safe place to help develop interpersonal skills as well as helping children gain self-confidence and self-esteem.



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How are we raising money?

Staff and children at the school are going to travel the equivalent distance of going to New York. That is a whopping 5500km.

We will be starting on Monday 22nd February and aim to complete the challenge in around a week.

Participants will be walking, running, cycling, hopping or even skipping the distance. Each day the distances travelled by staff and children at home and at school will be added to a totaliser.

Please help by making a donation, any amount would be greatly appreciated.


To find out more please check out our JustGiving page: